Counselling Room at Rogationist Academy

Rogationist Academy holds counselling sessions for the children and their parents. Being an inclusive school, a full time counselor is available for students and their parents. The School Counselor provides support and guidance to the pupils having social, emotional or behavioral problems. Students get the opportunity to ventilate their thoughts and emotions over every aspect of their life especially during the growing up years of adolescence. Strict confidentiality is maintained and the youngsters are dealt with unconditional love and unbiased acceptance. The counselors also suggest suitable interventional remedies to handle difficulties. Right counselling at the right time will help the children to remain focused in life.
The counseling room is located on the ground floor of the building. A room has been specially designed (suitable room size, fresh air, flexible seating options, natural light) for conducting counselling to the students at the School. The Counselor is available in the school from 8.00 am to 3.30 pm.